
The Optomix music synthesizer module is a two channel Low Pass Gate, providing simultaneous voltage control over amplitude and frequency content of a signal. It is in essence, a Voltage Controlled Filter Amplifier (VCFA) that has an extremely organic response to control signals. The Low Pass Gate is a classic West Coast synthesis circuit.
Revision 2 adds audio side-chain compression and expands CV generation and processing capabilities.
- Damp circuit updated to accept audio as well as CV allows for patching side-chain compression.
- STRIKE INput allows use of Gate signal to trigger Low Pass Gate circuit, “plucking” or “striking” the vactrol
- DAMP and STRIKE parameters combine to allow for easy programming of percussive sounds (sharp Attack w/ Voltage Controlled Decay)
- Normalization of a positive offset to the Channel inputs allows for level-shifting of CV, Envelope Generator and even subtle non-symmetrical clipping of signals
- Summing stage with an AUXiliary IN allows for chaining of multiple units creating larger mixes
- Part of a decentralized mix console integrated throughout the system along with X-PAN, modDemix, Dynamix, and RxMx
- Direct coupled, process audio or control signals
- Utilizes 4 vactrols
- Pairs well with modDemix and MATHS
- Width: 8hp
- Max Depth
(incl. power cable): 34mm - Power:
25mA@ +12V - MSRP: $215
25mA @ -12V